Thursday 6 November 2014

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Paul Thompson.

1 comment:

  1. #Health; #Arthritis.

    * What Are Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

    • Rheumatoid arthritis affects each person a little differently. Symptoms depend on the stage of the condition and can appear or disappear at any time.

    • Symptoms generally focus on the joints and tend to occur symmetrically, on both sides of the body. Symptoms worsen during disease exacerbations (also called flares) and may subside during periods of remission.

    • The most common symptoms of RA include swollen, stiff, painful joints; joint damage; and limited mobility. Morning stiffness, fatigue, and inflammation in other parts of the body — especially the eyes, mouth, blood vessels, and lungs — are also typical in cases of RA.

    • Many people with RA experience weight loss and depression, which is common in people living with any type of chronic illnesses. Read more about rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

    When you experience stress, your body responds mentally and physically.

    When faced with a stressor (a stress-inducing event or thought), the body releases hormones that heighten your alertness, increase your heart rate, and tense your muscles.

    ▪︎ This response can exacerbate RA symptoms in several ways.

    ▪︎Chronic muscle tension due to stress can cause RA-related pain to worsen.

    Additionally, the body’s stress response triggers the immune system to produce an inflammatory response.

    As RA is an autoimmune disease, inflammation is responsible for the joint damage that can develop in RA.

    This inflammation has also been found to heighten pain sensitivity, which can make existing RA symptoms feel even more painful.

    Kind Regards,
    #people #learning #help
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