Thursday 10 May 2012


: Arthritis food guide What to eat,‭ ‬what not‭… Are you aware that there are over‭...
Arthritis is a disease that can be prevented through a natural lifestyle with the addition of exercising, eating a low fat – high protein diet and taking herbal supplements combined with the natural lifestyle is known to reduce the risk of developing the disease and to diminish the symptoms of Arthritis.
Importance of exercise in arthritis
“Activity” in arthritis

Arthritis patients are less physically active.  This is simply because of the factors involved with the disease.  Many arthritis patients are under the misconception that exercise will cause further damage to their joints.  However, this is not so, as exercising regularly helps to strengthen the muscles and to protect the joints.  Appropriate exercise helps to ease pain, keep you mobile and to help control weight.  Your chances of developing chronic diseases are increased when you are not physically active.  Over half the adults living with heart disease or diabetes also have arthritis.  Experts have revealed that lack of information on how to exercise properly, fear of worsening symptoms or damaging joints, fear of pain and pain prevent people living with arthritis from being physically active.

The good news!
Over 40 million persons live with arthritis and the good news for these 40 million people is that a regiment of moderate exercise can improve mobility and reduce pain.  For those living with arthritis physical activities such as swimming, bicycling and walking have shown to improve physical function, reduce pain, and improve the quality of life.  The risk of developing Osteoarthritis is reduced when weight control and injury prevention measures are taken.  Weight loss and control is also helpful to reduce symptoms of patients that are suffering with knee Osteoarthritis.
The following tips will help you to understand how to effectively and safely enhance your physical activity in arthritis:
Rest: When our bodies rest or sleep, they are restoring energy.  Balancing rest with exercise is effective to help reduce arthritis symptoms.  Balance exercise with rest and pace yourself. However, it is important to remember, that too much rest can make your joints stiff.
Activity: Keep yourself active.  Stronger muscles help to reduce fatigue.  Good activities for arthritic patients include exercises and swimming in a heated pool.
Gentleness: Be gentle in your daily life.  Start slow and gradually build doing a little more each day.  Avoid contact sports and other high impact activities.
Convenience: When you are in the least amount of pain, tired or stiff, exercise.  And, exercise during the time that your medication is most effective.
Variety:  Motion exercises should be done at least once a day.  When waking in the morning exercising first will help to ease the stiffness felt upon rising.  Exercising prior to bedtime will help stop the stiffness from developing during your sleep.  Only do a range of movement exercises when you experience a flare up.  .
People with arthritis can manage chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes by finding help to overcome the barriers that often limit their physical activity.
To effectively manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, people with arthritis need help finding ways to over­come arthritis-specific barriers to physical activity. Using natural anti-arthritis herbal supplements may significantly reduce swelling, stiffness and tenderness of the affected joints and provides the much-needed muscular boost to carry on healthy physical activity in people with arthritis.

Arthritis food guide

What to eat,‭ ‬what not‭…

Are you aware that there are over‭ ‬100‭ ‬forms of arthritis with the two main forms of‭  ‬Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis affecting the majority of the population in the United States‭?  ‬Also,‭ ‬there are‭ ‬206‭ ‬bones in the body,‭ ‬with over‭ ‬100‭ ‬joints connecting them.‭  ‬With so many forms of Arthritis,‭ ‬there are many places a body can be inflicted with pain from the disease.‭  ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬if you are aware of the proper foods to eat and foods to avoid,‭ ‬you will help‭ ‬to prevent the disease and its flare ups.

‬What to eat with Arthritis

Food rich in iron:‭  ‬Among Arthritis‭ ‬sufferer‭’‬s‭ ‬tiredness is a common ailment and can easily lead to anemia.‭ ‬Eating foods rich in iron such as dark and red meats,‭ ‬green leafy vegetables,‭ ‬eggs,‭ ‬pulses,‭ ‬and oily fish will help to prevent this.‭  ‬Fortified foods are also sources of foods rich in iron such as breakfast cereals.‭

'Mediterranean‭' ‬diet

Arthritis sufferers suffer with inflammation due to body chemicals.‭  ‬Eating a diet that contains modest lean meat portions,‭ ‬plenty of‭ ‬vegetables and mono-unsaturated fats will help to reduce and prevent inflammation experienced with the disease.‭  ‬It is recommended to eat at least four servings of fresh,‭ ‬frozen or canned vegetables each day and two servings or more of fruit each day.‭ ‬A portion can be measured as being equal to a few tablespoons or a handful.‭  ‬Vary your vegetables choosing them from different colors in order to have a wide range of plant nutrients which will help to reduce the inflammation experienced with the condition.‭


Fish,‭ ‬especially those with darker flesh are high in fish oils‭ (‬omega-3‭ ‬polyunsaturates‭) ‬and should be eaten two or three times a week.‭  ‬Darker flesh colored fish include snapper,‭ ‬marlin,‭ ‬swordfish,‭ ‬salmon,‭ ‬tuna,‭ ‬herring,‭ ‬mackerel and sardines and will provide maximum health benefits.‭

Fruits‭ & ‬vegetables

Anti-oxidants are high among fruits and vegetables.‭  ‬Anti-oxidants help to fight disease in the body by seeking out and neutralizing damaging molecules that‭ ‬are responsible for inflammation.‭  ‬In a recent study the risk of developing inflammatory Arthritis was greater among those with a lower intake of fruits and vegetables.‭

What to avoid in arthritis‭?

Certain fats:‭ ‬The type of fats and oils that you put into your body influence the effects of your condition such as the levels of pain and inflammation you will experience.‭  ‬Saturated fats are known for increasing inflammation and pain in Arthritis sufferers.‭  ‬These are fats that are found in processed foods and full-fat dairy products.‭  ‬Oils and margarines that are made from sunflower and corn sources will also increase the levels of pain and inflammation experienced.‭  ‬These oils are high in omega-6‭ ‬polyunsaturates which are also increase general inflammation.

The following is a list of common foods that all persons living with Arthritis should avoid to help prevent and relieve the symptoms of Arthritis:

High dose Vitamin C‭ (‬1000‭ ‬mg‭) ‬fruits such as dried fruit,‭ ‬grapes and citrus which can worsen the symptoms of‭ ‬Rheumatoid Arthritis

Creamed vegetables,‭ ‬peppers,‭ ‬white potatoes,‭ ‬eggplant,‭ ‬corn

All products containing gluten,‭ ‬kamut,‭ ‬spelt,‭ ‬barley wheat corn

Pistachios,‭ ‬pine nuts,‭ ‬peanut butter,‭ ‬peanuts

Eggs,‭ ‬canned meats,‭ ‬sausage,‭ ‬frankfurters,‭ ‬pork,‭ ‬shellfish,‭ ‬beef

Dairy products,‭ ‬including yogurt

Mayonnaise,‭ ‬hydrogenated and processed oils,‭ ‬shortening,‭ ‬butter,‭ ‬margarine

Caffeinated beverages,‭ ‬alcoholic beverages,‭ ‬sodas and soft drinks

Barbeque sauce,‭ ‬soy sauce,‭ ‬chutney,‭ ‬mustard,‭ ‬ketchup,‭ ‬and other condiments


Corn syrup,‭ ‬maple syrup,‭ ‬honey,‭ ‬brown and white refined sugar and desserts made with these sweeteners



How to deal with pain in arthritis
How to get no pain yet all gain…

Persons living with arthritis or a related condition often live with pain which is one of the hardest factors experienced with the disease.  In order to know how to combat the pain you must learn to manage the disease.  The first consideration to determine is which type of arthritis the patient has.  Knowing the particular arthritis will help to determine the patient’s treatment.  Before you begin to develop a treatment plan, you must understand some concepts regarding pain.

Not all pain is alike

Pain experienced by arthritis patients is not always the same.  There are many different types of pain just as there are many different types of arthritis and not all patients will respond the same to treatment.  It may be necessary to try several different treatments before finding one that works for the patient.

Why pain occurs…
Pain occurs because it is telling us that something is wrong.  When an injury is experienced, nerves in the area where the injury originated release chemical signals and other nerves transmit the signals to the brain.  Pain is a sign that something is wrong and you need to act.  For example, if you touch a hot plate, your brain immediately receives the signals and forces you to let go of the plate.  This form of pain is a protection that helps keep you safe.

Long-lasting pain, such as that experienced with conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis is a different type of pain.  While the pain is alerting the body that something is wrong, it is not as easy to relieve the pain.  This type of pain can be debilitating to the patient and must be managed to enhance the patient’s sense of well-being and quality of life.

What controls pain?
The brain and spinal cord includes a system of nerves in which pain signals travel through.  The body often tries to intercept these signals to stop them.  This is done by creating chemicals that interfere or block the signals.  These chemicals are termed endorphins, and are morphine-like substances, killing the pain and decreasing the pain sensation.

What causes pain in arthritis?
There are many factors that cause pain with arthritis which include:

Inflammation: Is the process that is responsible for causing swelling and redness in the joints of the patient.

Injury to joint tissues: This is a result of pressure, injury, stress or the disease process on the joints of the patient.

Body fatigue: Is a result of the disease process, which can make the pain intensified and more difficult to handle.  

Mental depression or stress: Arthritis patients often have limited movement and are no longer able to enjoy various activities making depression a serious factor in the disease.  The patient can become wrapped up in a vicious circle of pain, stress, depression and a limited or loss of abilities making the management of pain more difficult. 

What increases the pain associated with arthritis?
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Focusing on pain
  • Overdoing physical activity
  • Stress
  • Increased disease activity

What reduces the pain associated with arthritis?

  • Cold and heat treatments
  • Humor
  • Topical pain relievers
  • Distraction
  • Massage
  • Medications
  • Relaxation
  • Appropriate exercise
  • Positive attitude and pleasant thoughts

How to control arthritis pain at home

Thermotherapy (Temperature therapy)
Stiffness and pain of arthritis can be reduced by using heat and cold treatments.  Placing cold pack on the affected area will help to numb the area and to reduce the swelling and inflammation. Cold packs are particularly useful for joint pain due to a flare up.  With heat, muscles relax and stimulate the blood circulation.  Heating lamps and heating pads are forms of dry heat; where as, baths and heated wash cloths are forms of moist heat.  Both of which are useful.

Sleep therapy
When our bodies sleep, they are restoring energy.  With arthritis patients this helps to manage the pain.  Sleep therapy also helps to reduce the pressure on the joints and helps to decrease swelling and pain.  The average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night.  If you feel sleepy at various times throughout the day, take a brief nap.  If you have trouble sleeping through the night, then avoid the nap and relax quietly during the day.

Massage therapy
Massaging your muscles brings relief to the painful area.  Massage therapy can be done by yourself or a profession.  If you are massaging yourself then:

  • Stop if you begin to experience pain
  • Don’t massage joints that are extremely painful or swollen
  • Use oil or lotion to help the massaging technique

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Detecting the “arthritis bomb”
The alarming epidemic of arthritis
Many Americans suffer from Arthritis.  In fact, it is the second largest crippling disease, next to heart disease. The condition of Arthritis effects more women than men in all age group of those who suffer with the disease.  Of those living with arthritis in the United States, nearly two-thirds are women.  While the disease is most common in the West, it is a chronic condition that is experienced by men and women throughout the United States.
Arthritis can strike anyone.  Studies, however, show a relation between lack of awareness, lack of education and severity of the disease as one-third of the adult population suffering with arthritis has less than a high school education.  It is projected that by the year 2020 nearly 60 million people living in the US will suffer with arthritis.  This is about 20 percent of the American population.  Good to excellent health is experienced among 34 percent of those living with Arthritis in comparison to 71 percent of the population that is not suffering with Arthritis.  Arthritis is a disease that affects the daily life of the person with issues and problems occurring that include:
Frequent trips to the physician:  Persons with Arthritis visit their physicians twice as many times annually than those without Arthritis.
Higher hospitalization rate:  Persons with Arthritis report a higher percentage of hospital use.  Among Arthritis sufferers, 16% report that they were hospitalized in a year’s time frame, while the hospitalization rate for those that do not have Arthritis is 5%.
Greater use of prescription drugs:  Among the elderly that suffer with Arthritis 94% use prescription drugs verses 82% of the elderly that do not suffer with the disease.
Less mobility:  Among Arthritis sufferers there are more reports of staying in bed due to the illness or impairment.
Low incomes:  Among Arthritis sufferers that are in the workforce, it is reported that, on an average, most are earning a lower income than those that do not have the disease. In fact, among rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers, estimates show that during the first six years of having the disease, 60% show a decline in earnings on average.  Projections into the future also predict that people who do not suffer from the disease will be more financially secure.
Premature retirement: Early retirement often occurs among those with Arthritis.  In fact, it is estimated that40% of Arthritis sufferers with rheumatoid Arthritis will retire from the workforce within the first five years of being diagnosed with the disease.  The disease also affects their interests in life such as with activities including travel, volunteer work, hobbies, and sports as they report the activities as not being very important.
Low satisfaction in life:  Among persons suffering with the disease and those who do not there is a dramatic difference in the quality of life and the satisfaction of life between the two groups.  Two of the biggest differences concern satisfaction with financial and health circumstances.  Arthritis sufferers are much less satisfied with financial and health circumstances in their life and many other aspects of life.
Other effects on the Arthritis sufferer include:
· Experience less mobility
· Experience greater restrictions on physical activity
· Have a higher percentage of occupational limitations
· Are not as content with current circumstances
· Are not as optimistic about the future
Arthritis is a disease that can be prevented through a natural lifestyle with the addition of exercising, eating a low fat – high protein diet and taking herbal supplements combined with the natural lifestyle is known to reduce the risk of developing the disease and to diminish the symptoms of Arthritis.
Importance of exercise in arthritis
“Activity” in arthritis

Arthritis patients are less physically active.  This is simply because of the factors involved with the disease.  Many arthritis patients are under the misconception that exercise will cause further damage to their joints.  However, this is not so, as exercising regularly helps to strengthen the muscles and to protect the joints.  Appropriate exercise helps to ease pain, keep you mobile and to help control weight.  Your chances of developing chronic diseases are increased when you are not physically active.  Over half the adults living with heart disease or diabetes also have arthritis.  Experts have revealed that lack of information on how to exercise properly, fear of worsening symptoms or damaging joints, fear of pain and pain prevent people living with arthritis from being physically active.

The good news!
Over 40 million persons live with arthritis and the good news for these 40 million people is that a regiment of moderate exercise can improve mobility and reduce pain.  For those living with arthritis physical activities such as swimming, bicycling and walking have shown to improve physical function, reduce pain, and improve the quality of life.  The risk of developing Osteoarthritis is reduced when weight control and injury prevention measures are taken.  Weight loss and control is also helpful to reduce symptoms of patients that are suffering with knee Osteoarthritis.
The following tips will help you to understand how to effectively and safely enhance your physical activity in arthritis:
Rest: When our bodies rest or sleep, they are restoring energy.  Balancing rest with exercise is effective to help reduce arthritis symptoms.  Balance exercise with rest and pace yourself. However, it is important to remember, that too much rest can make your joints stiff.
Activity: Keep yourself active.  Stronger muscles help to reduce fatigue.  Good activities for arthritic patients include exercises and swimming in a heated pool.
Gentleness: Be gentle in your daily life.  Start slow and gradually build doing a little more each day.  Avoid contact sports and other high impact activities.
Convenience: When you are in the least amount of pain, tired or stiff, exercise.  And, exercise during the time that your medication is most effective.
Variety:  Motion exercises should be done at least once a day.  When waking in the morning exercising first will help to ease the stiffness felt upon rising.  Exercising prior to bedtime will help stop the stiffness from developing during your sleep.  Only do a range of movement exercises when you experience a flare up.  .
People with arthritis can manage chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes by finding help to overcome the barriers that often limit their physical activity.
To effectively manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, people with arthritis need help finding ways to over­come arthritis-specific barriers to physical activity. Using natural anti-arthritis herbal supplements may significantly reduce swelling, stiffness and tenderness of the affected joints and provides the much-needed muscular boost to carry on healthy physical activity in people with arthritis.

Relaxation therapy
Relaxation therapy does help to reverse the pain associated with arthritis and allows the patient to have a sense of well-being and control their life.  It is vital that the patient learn ways to control and calm the mind and body.  There are various methods that are used to help patients relax such as:

Hypnosis:  Hypnosis is a deep relaxation technique which is intended to help the patient release themselves from their anxieties and thoughts.  The technique is pleasant and soothing and effective in relieving pain.  

Guided imagery:  This technique utilizes pleasant images which the mind focuses on to help guide away from the pain. Prayer is very relaxing and comforting for some people.

Herbal therapy:
The herbal supplements works by removing the primary cause of the pain, which with arthritis inflammation and stiffness, and helps to ease the arthritis symptoms.